Saturday, June 30, 2007

religion violence state war and terrorists

I am not against secret war, in fact we Indians (shivaji, rana pratap) are expert in this technique. My point is that present war fighting strategies, present war rules, present war norms are of no use here. If such war has to be won what should be new strategies? my thoughts:1) do not expose any of your soldiers to enemies except highly essential duties.
2) your soldiers will remain in fortresses (green zone) protected by may be surrounded by heavy mining and antipersonnel mines and advertise it loudly. 3) your soldiers must always be out of range with enemies( no house to house, street to street fight, or city fight) send in as many robots as possible. 4) high collateral damadge should be accepted legally(tell our superiors in advance). 5) only enemy targets should be declared and hit heavily at all structures in the target area from out of range.(forget strategie of selective hits its useless).6) hit hard and complete annihilation for short time (say fortnight or month) then get out and hide in your fortress, you may declare truce to deceive media. Then again you find some concentration of enemy , hit and annihilate, continue doing it till you dominate and enemy is weakened then only come out and hit rest of enemies.

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