Monday, October 12, 2009

report of PricewaterCooper on Healthcare

the health insurance companies are in process of publishing a report on healthcare plan that if they insure all people then many people will delay insurance cover and the premia will go up.
1.first i cannot understand how insuring more people will harm the insurance bussiness.
2.the Pricewater Cooper is famous for its twisted reports. (see what they did for Satyam info in india)
3 the Pricewater Cooper executives have said in defence for skewed report about satyam info that they publish what their boss company says. i am sure they must have done bidding of health insurance companies.
4 if american companies believe pricewater cooper report then they are most gullible people in the world(replacing indians)
5senators and congressmen should just ignore the report because they know insurance comp[anies will do anything to have monopoly and secure their profits and bonuses of executives.
6 i thinkthis is last opprtunity for us people to srike at bad bussiness practices of isurance companies.

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