Sunday, April 14, 2013

started to write again

i was away from blogspot for a year or so but eventually returned. i will write mainly about world and usa because i find it is no use to write for indians. they are know all and intensely competetive to their clan and not to outsiders. there was anice soft drink company called  parle which got scared and sold out to coca cola for 200 crores only because coca cola has deep pockets. coca cola and pepsi have bought all indian players and are trying to create a monopoly.
well, bussiness men know better. my point is indians have money now  and always had capacity and competence for international success but they definately lack something because they dont get there. they only are immencely successful in india and compete with each other.
i really appreciate an exception steel mittals who recently said he is quitting india.
thats all folks start thinking...

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