Sunday, April 14, 2013

started to write again

i was away from blogspot for a year or so but eventually returned. i will write mainly about world and usa because i find it is no use to write for indians. they are know all and intensely competetive to their clan and not to outsiders. there was anice soft drink company called  parle which got scared and sold out to coca cola for 200 crores only because coca cola has deep pockets. coca cola and pepsi have bought all indian players and are trying to create a monopoly.
well, bussiness men know better. my point is indians have money now  and always had capacity and competence for international success but they definately lack something because they dont get there. they only are immencely successful in india and compete with each other.
i really appreciate an exception steel mittals who recently said he is quitting india.
thats all folks start thinking...

Monday, September 5, 2011

the new depression

i am not a economist but will like to comment as common man. there cannot be growth all the its all up and down like yo yo in markets.
americans should not panic but may give a small stimulous wherever required. if they tide over these times then good times are sure to come at least it cannot be down all the way.
even economists will agree with this. but if republicans want no interference from govt and tax cuts etc no harm in that for economy.
bottom line is americans should not allow anything to go down but stimulate and wait for better times.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

free marijuana use

there is lot of cotroversy about marijuana and cocain use. in fact both are used in medicinal use for centuries. its only some politicians and hypocrites banned it from use . it has stark similarity with prohibition which was lifted in usa.
its high time that ban on use and possession of marijuana should be lifted in usa. main thing is price will come down drastically and ultimately these substances were used in medicinal practice for long. and i assure you that the percentage of people using will not change significantly. after all in spite of ban the users are still using these.
what we reqiore is not liberal oliticians but knoledgable and rationalists people who must persuade the has become a fassion among the politicians to harp on drugs cotrol etc.

Monday, October 12, 2009

report of PricewaterCooper on Healthcare

the health insurance companies are in process of publishing a report on healthcare plan that if they insure all people then many people will delay insurance cover and the premia will go up.
1.first i cannot understand how insuring more people will harm the insurance bussiness.
2.the Pricewater Cooper is famous for its twisted reports. (see what they did for Satyam info in india)
3 the Pricewater Cooper executives have said in defence for skewed report about satyam info that they publish what their boss company says. i am sure they must have done bidding of health insurance companies.
4 if american companies believe pricewater cooper report then they are most gullible people in the world(replacing indians)
5senators and congressmen should just ignore the report because they know insurance comp[anies will do anything to have monopoly and secure their profits and bonuses of executives.
6 i thinkthis is last opprtunity for us people to srike at bad bussiness practices of isurance companies.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the hypocrites

carl halderman exposed david literman who was seducing women on his show and at the same time laughing at others who cheated like bill clinton, sara palins daughter for unwed child, governor of south carolina who had misstress in argentina point is this was limit of hypocrisy by litterman. now that he has apologised on show to his wife who is horribly hurt he should resign like he made sara palin to resign and was after sc gov to resign.people are human and do all sort of things but at least dont throw stones at others.on top of this david litterman did all this to save 2 millions demanded by carl halderman , may be if he had 2 millions to throw away litterman would have hushed this up.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

bravo chetan mani of reva elecric car

i take this opportunity to congrats and wish best to Chetan Mani of Reva electric Car. he seems to be only india to go into original research and venture.wish him best success.
electric car is te vehicle of future and i am sure Mr Mani will be as rich as Mr Gates provided he is very carefull of his foreign parteners.

shashi tharur travelling in cattle class

shashi tharur s photo published by one of his friends in new york looks like not real but cut and paste.
experts may opine but i am sur. what a great effort to save shashis ministry from wrath of RAHUL GANDHI our behind the scene ruler.