Friday, July 31, 2009

top of the pop today

today top of the pop are three ladies.
Lady (ga ga ), katy perry(Hot N Cold) and kelly(clerkson)(Mylife sucks without you)(idol fame). let me review their work..
Lady was outstanding in Poker Face, what a production quality, just very modern and innovative,especially i appreciated the Dog(s) they are the biggest dogs in the world you know,also the break dance was just number one. as far as katy is concerned her creation was so funny and new idea that it became throughly enjoiable (very modern in concept i liked the idea especially of showing major league base ball bat to the prospective husband. thats the best memory for life. katy is still on top 10 chart.
as far as idol fame kelly  is concerned her creation was very good for a newcomer. i liked the emotions in her voice and the singing was outstanding .
best of success to all three!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

professor obama

everybody says obama has evolved to be a teacher. i dont know everybody with certain views and knoledge and experiences why shouldnt put the forward them to society on whatever platform available.
whats wrong in teaching. it does benefit society to whatever way and to whatever extent possible. and who should teach? you mean only howard professors are qualified and lay persons with tremendous experiences and thereby knoledge in different fields do not? in fact we learn till we die.
there is saying in my country that learning is eternal and the person who stops is finished!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

recession is over!!!

somebody today somewhere in the news on tv said recesssion is over. immediately i believed him. 
i am no economist but keep following economic news as it interest all. well the recovery was to follow banks and housing sales. well banks have made profits (at least they are not in loss) share markets are booming and housing sales are up.
well what more indicators you want? employment will gradually follow them all. just have some patience especially republicans bent on defeating obama!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


personal health has been my favourite subject and i come to it from time to time to through some bits of info for good of readers.
let me make clear at the bigining that iam a non smoker ( never smoked), non drinker, no addictions of any sort.
so now stating that a person can remain without smoking bidi or cigarette or anything lets turn to the subject smoking.
can smoking be left at one go? yes
i have seen so many persons doing it but it takes a strong will power. now the question is how bring on he will power? once you have decided then there will be some craving but try eating some candy, mint, supari, nuts, as it is a oral fixation, also declare to family and friends that you have left cigarette and just see the amazment on their faces . this is just for reverse peer pressure.
no harm in having two or three attempts as you are youself to decide victory over smoking and not others.
there are so many technics of nicotine patch etc but self will is the  best method.if you can decide to smoke you as well decide not to.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

future investment

it is always a challenge to speculators as to who will be winner in 15 years or so. when gas gets exhuasted it is obvious that there will no future to automobiles, and gas based heatng and power generation.
the answer stares at us. the alternate energy producers such as hydrolic power, wind power, solar power will come to top.( invest now in them) railroad companies which are down now will top the share market again with electric goods and passenger trains. thirdly the automobile industry which was on top till recently will go down.
there will be some sort of inflation or boom due to shortages in adjustment period (till economy an d industry stabilizes.) 
these forecasts are useful to banking industry because they will decide exactly whom to finance in the future.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the reality about gas

the reality about gas is that at present rate of consumption even if saudi arabia explores all its reserve (which is unlikely)the world supply may last bearly by 2024.
us citizens must awake to this reality. there has to be a change of lifestyle pronto otherwise there will be future shocks.its just 15 years away and not may take usa 15 years to build a reliable good fright and passenger service alternative to gas vehicles(such as electric train service) solar heating arrangement, wind power for ecectricity etc.
americans have hardly any time for complacency. but pragmatic politicians like mr barak obama have realised this and are working to solve the problem. this is no time for partisan politics but just work together and try solutions.
well americans you can always fight later as to republicans are right or obama was right o k

health plan and socialism

the health plan and socialism are two different issues. if the politician are linking these two just to get at barak obama thats not done in 21st century america which has elected a new president.
the health plan is budgetary issue and to be solved by economists, and health plan is urgent humanitarian, human rights issue
if senators and congrssmen are confused and cannot find way for new health system i suggest they can visit capitalist countries like canada, united kingdom, france, germany, india and study the costs and the way system goes.

time machine to 2022

lets presume mr john from New York woke up one morning and found himself in year 2022 then what will he find/

for one thing the artict and antarctic ice will have melted and though Mr John stays on 20th floor of condo he will find water in all streets and boats plying passengers (another venice of italy we can say) no cars in the city naturally.

when he catches boat taxi to go to penn for office work he catches superfast train running on electricity and reaches penn in 30 mins.

there are no cars as there is no gas stations(gas supply being exhausted) that means highways are deserted and no road traffic except for superrich people.

he will note most industries run by government as the industrial scenario will have changed.

there will be dense network of electric powered superfast trains to reach the food and other goods as no truck service available.

people will have to use bycycles or boats ( with oars) to reach office or workplace and trains for interstate or intercity  travel.

no air traffic as no fuel for planes.

well this is all fiction and we may see reality only in 2022.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

competant managers

juust when we need very skilled managers due to complex economic and commerce situation in the world we are short of them. for example in health care there is acute shortage of skillled personnel and our educational institutions are too costly to attend or just not adequate. so naturally health cosTS ARE EXORBITANTLY HIGH. WELL THIS IS MAINLY DUE TO NEGLECT OF THE ISSUE BY SUCCESSIVE ADMINISTRATIONS. for example in india you may get same medical care at fraction of cost in top class institutions. but they have been barred by american medical association for many years for obvious reasons. its time americans wake up and have health at affordable costs for all.

recession, downturn and slowdown etc

 am not a economist, in fact our prime minister is an economist, but i can surely say this damn thing is hyped by media as usual. n fact mr obama is on right track, just let these people start few mega projects required by the state governments (us) and things will start looking better. in fact the governments must step in and that also quickly. but as usual the state government (us) machinery may take some time to do something they have not done in the past, that is start rebuilding.
in short there is the way but is there the will to do things quickly?
but as in the past these american institutions are going to stand to their mettle and do something quickly i am sure