Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the reality about gas

the reality about gas is that at present rate of consumption even if saudi arabia explores all its reserve (which is unlikely)the world supply may last bearly by 2024.
us citizens must awake to this reality. there has to be a change of lifestyle pronto otherwise there will be future shocks.its just 15 years away and not much.it may take usa 15 years to build a reliable good fright and passenger service alternative to gas vehicles(such as electric train service) solar heating arrangement, wind power for ecectricity etc.
americans have hardly any time for complacency. but pragmatic politicians like mr barak obama have realised this and are working to solve the problem. this is no time for partisan politics but just work together and try solutions.
well americans you can always fight later as to republicans are right or obama was right o k

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