Saturday, July 25, 2009


personal health has been my favourite subject and i come to it from time to time to through some bits of info for good of readers.
let me make clear at the bigining that iam a non smoker ( never smoked), non drinker, no addictions of any sort.
so now stating that a person can remain without smoking bidi or cigarette or anything lets turn to the subject smoking.
can smoking be left at one go? yes
i have seen so many persons doing it but it takes a strong will power. now the question is how bring on he will power? once you have decided then there will be some craving but try eating some candy, mint, supari, nuts, as it is a oral fixation, also declare to family and friends that you have left cigarette and just see the amazment on their faces . this is just for reverse peer pressure.
no harm in having two or three attempts as you are youself to decide victory over smoking and not others.
there are so many technics of nicotine patch etc but self will is the  best method.if you can decide to smoke you as well decide not to.

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