Sunday, August 30, 2009

indian politics and politicians

indians (no red indians) have lost complete faith in indian politicians and are reluctantly voting even for old parties like congress ( as there is no other choice. whatever votes congress got (i am talking about hindu votes) they were for two people one manmohan singh (because he is not a politician but a retired beurocrat and still in mode of beaurocratic head of a nation, and second sonia who has nearly shunned politics but is here just for her kids who are in politics. she is terrribly worried of indian politics which is quite similar to italian politics so reluctant to allow her children to be the heads( ?) of this great nation. today you dont find young stallwart politician at head of either bjp or congrss. older people have to leave now, and newer are tainted. sonia is sure that once rahul or prianka head, immediately question of their swiss abnk accounts will come to front. why take risk when you can make same amount of money by staying at background (like pamod mahajan was doing) and earn same amount of money.
very odd and curious development in indian politics indeed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sports winners

bolt has bolted in both 100 and 200 meters running. he is built like a goliath. so no surprise he is breaking records. another bigger man may do it in future no? 
another record breaker was from south africa. semenya won in record breaking time in world championship. but i dont understand the fuss over gender ( male or female), just simply test the gender and whtever may be result accept it. gender testing is very simple anyway and wont take much time....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

newsweek on hindus

newsweek says we are all hindus now...that means most americans are behaving like hindus.
well, i was not surprised. one thing all americans are staunchly for democracy and hinduism is like democracy. secondly americans are for social and personal freedom of thought and only hinduism accepts this freedom of thought. another important thing americans are very diverse but united in americanism similar to hinduism which is very diverse but strongly united as hindu.
i think for intelligent thinkers this much is enough ...
i will like to add that thee is no baptism in hindus, whoever thinks he/she is hindu is automatically hindu.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

personal prospects

who has the brightest prospects.
in fact the person who has not much money is the one who only can go up than well to do person.
for one thing former has more motivation to go up and whatever that person achieves is 100% up compared to that persons basic starting fortune. 
so now you know that the person who has brightest prospects is an orphan child or young starter but most important is that person should always remember from which state that person started and also make provisions for any bad period in carrier ( through investments and savings)..
thats life

Sunday, August 16, 2009

the third army

while fighting in afghan usa must adopt the same strategy as they adopted at last phase of iraq war. they must have a third paid army of local war lords. aghans like to boss over each other so take advantage of it and follow devide and rule policy. have an paid army of say 5000 locals from north in their local flags and let them win the war and rule over taliban or whatever why use american soldiers when there is no need.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

obamas health plan for americans

I don’t have to explain to the nearly 46 million Americans who don’t have health insurance how important this is. But it’s just as important for Americans who do have health insurance.

There are four main ways the reform we’re proposing will provide more stability and security to every American.

First, if you don’t have health insurance, you will have a choice of high-quality, affordable coverage for yourself and your family — coverage that will stay with you whether you move, change your job or lose your job.

Second, reform will finally bring skyrocketing health care costs under control, which will mean real savings for families, businesses and our government. We’ll cut hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and inefficiency in federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid and in unwarranted subsidies to insurance companies that do nothing to improve care and everything to improve their profits.

Third, by making Medicare more efficient, we’ll be able to ensure that more tax dollars go directly to caring for seniors instead of enriching insurance companies. This will not only help provide today’s seniors with the benefits they’ve been promised; it will also ensure the long-term health of Medicare for tomorrow’s seniors. And our reforms will also reduce the amount our seniors pay for their prescription drugs.

Lastly, reform will provide every American with some basic consumer protections that will finally hold insurance companies accountable. A 2007 national survey actually shows that insurance companies discriminated against more than 12 million Americans in the previous three years because they had a pre-existing illness or condition. The companies either refused to cover the person, refused to cover a specific illness or condition or charged a higher premium.

We will put an end to these practices. Our reform will prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage because of your medical history. Nor will they be allowed to drop your coverage if you get sick. They will not be able to water down your coverage when you need it most. They will no longer be able to place some arbitrary cap on the amount of coverage you can receive in a given year or in a lifetime. And we will place a limit on how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket expenses. No one in America should go broke because they get sick.

Most important, we will require insurance companies to cover routine checkups, preventive care and screening tests like mammograms and colonoscopies. There’s no reason that we shouldn’t be catching diseases like breast cancer and prostate cancer on the front end. It makes sense, it saves lives and it can also save money.

This is what reform is about. If you don’t have health insurance, you will finally have quality, affordable options once we pass reform. If you have health insurance, we will make sure that no insurance company or government bureaucrat gets between you and the care you need. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. You will not be waiting in any lines. This is not about putting the government in charge of your health insurance. I don’t believe anyone should be in charge of your health care decisions but you and your doctor — not government bureaucrats, not insurance companies.

The long and vigorous debate about health care that’s been taking place over the past few months is a good thing. It’s what America’s all about.

Barack Obama is the president of the United States.

Friday, August 14, 2009

traditional way of serving food on banana leaf in INDIA

Learn the traditional way of serving food
on plantain leaves in South India

1. Uppu (Salt) 
2. Uppinakai (Pickles)
3. Chutney Pudi (Chutney Powder) 
4. Kosumbri (Green Gram Salad) 
5. Kosumbri (Bengal Gram Salad) 
6. Kayi Chutney (Coconut Chutney) 
7. Beans Pallya (Fogath)
8. Gujje Pallya (Jack Fruit Fogath) 
9. Chitranna (Lemon Rice)  
10. Happala (Papad) 
11. Sandige (Crispies)
12. Kadubu (Steamed Rice Cake) 
13. Anna (Rice)
14. Thovve (Dal) 
15. Sihigojju (Raitha) 
16. Saru (Rasam) 
17. Uddinahittu (Black Gram Paste)
18. Badane Podi (Brinjal Pakoda)
19. Menaskai (Sweet And Sour Gravy)
Goli Baje (Maida Fry) 
21. Avial (Vegetable Mix)
Gatti Baje (Ladies Finger Pakoda) 
23. Gulla Koddel (Brinjal Sambar)
24. Chiroti Milk (Sweet)
25. Gojjambade (Masalwada Curry)
26. Kayi Holige (Sweet Coconut      Chapati)
27. Vangi Bath (Vegetable Upma)
28. Bharatha (Sour Ginger Gravy) 
29. Paradi Payasa (Sweet)
30. Mosaru (Curds)
31. Majjige (Butter Milk)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


somebody said in the blog that" if anybody abuses you physically, verbally and racially then they are taking away your rights"

question is why such socially unacceptable things happen?

in INDIAN MYTHOLOGY in ancient books it is written that present era(generation) is KALIYUG (thats why). in kaliyug good honest straight religious etc people have to take back stage and watch dishonest, rogue etc people get away with doing abominable things. in kaliyug these dishonest etc people are not stopped,in fact they are appreciated and become so called leaders.naturally as consequence good people will become poor,have to take backstage, they suffer financially,they go hungry etc while bad people make merry,and bad deeds are accepted by society, as there are no morals in KALIYUG

.i think this more or less explains how the present era people live.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

why big strong empires fall to zero

empires are like hurricanes, which are srengthened by hot air wipe evrything in its way becomes strong and then peters out, on a dfferent time scale. end is inevitable for many reasons. 
in case of empires there are many reasons
resources of young motivated to grow people dwindle.they become complascent and stagnated.material resources start getting exhausted slowly without any alternative and people get perplexed. malaise sets in on the empire with increase of drug use. education standards fall. in fighting becomes fierce and power centric with ulterior strong leaders to pull the empire out of fall. people have limited choice of petty leaders involved in their own agenda.
just look for these signs in your nation where ever you are ...

Friday, August 7, 2009

how to make car sell next year long

now that CASH FOR CLUNKERS is running well what can lawmakers do to stimulate car sells further on. 

one thing they can raise the limit of eligiblity to 20 mpg to get in the next lot of 500,000 cars or so with whatever environmental benefits. secondly the lawmakers must plan a regular programme wherein all vehicles which are 20 years old must be off the road every year and they may offer some incentive though not as much as clunkers. this is already done in europe with obvious benefits. in fact all countries in the world must follow these practice

it is not difficult to calculate number of vehicles that will be off the road and new fuel efficient hybrids can be manufactured by detroit.

that should be the plan. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

opposing the democratic way

there are so many issues such as abortion, gays in army, what is socialism, on which groups and individuals differ. in democracy you are supposed to go along with majority opinion.
however some people seem to be doing too much drama (media loves it) and have destructive way of opposing , they collect masses sometimes (misguiding people) and shout, wave placards disrrupt speeches has really no purpose but a good media spot.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

cash for clunkers

if cash for clunkers is really that popular, and beneficial for environment then is it not that the limit for eligibility should be raised from 18 mpg to 20 or 22 mpg?america is known to do things in big way then why just punny efforts for environment and not large effective efforts than just 2 hours of no cars scenario?
it is the only programme that has directly benefitted people from stimulous money. people will definately trade in these gas guzzler cars if they get good rebate and buy fuel efficient new cars.
also it shuld be regular programme to give some rebates to replace old cars say(25  years) as is done in some countries. this will also boost the regular sales of automobiles and help people toafford and help evvironment.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

us post office

there is news that us post office is in loss of 7 billion dollors. well i was not surprised with type of services and revenues they collect.
it will be interesting how the more huge postal services of india, china etc survived. they simply curtailed delivery days(yes) but more importantly they DIVERSIFIED into banking services such as collection savings, deposits, selling mf, selling stocks. another thing was use of internet... they use internet to deliver money order messages urgent telegrams are only by internet. inernet is used to deliver some letters in remote area also. actual pay load of post is now reduced drastically with savings on transportation and delivery cost. they are competing with courier services with onset of speed parcel delivery. good us poat must innovate to servive. only doing age old thing wont work in 21st century.

Monday, August 3, 2009

fires;a national disaster

every year in the summer there is a ritual of brush fires ,some huge some minor,in east west north and south. the state government tries to fight with few water tanker planes, helicopters few volunteers. many times failing miserably to prevent the loss of forest and housing property worth billions.
i wonder what the federal government with spending billions on thousands of fighter planes lying idle at bases. why federal govt cannot have national fire fighting force with thousands of water tanker planes and helicopters based at 4 places such as LA,SAN FRISCO,MIAMI AND CHICAGO TO FIGHT FIRES. i think they will save billions of dollors worth citizens property . this work has to be done on war footing by feds. are citizens property less important than imaginary enemies such as russia and iraq.
every year we have fires and same punny efforts to douse them, in fact most fires burn out by themselves. because of global warming evry year the fire scenario is going to be worst, are we preapared for that?

future life

what will be future life? i ponder sometimes.
one thing for sure it will be ira of computers and internet and automation. we may see more robotics in every field especially in armed forces and wars will not be fought by humans but by robots. first thing is the age old training of armed forces must change drastically what we have to do with the way cluster fought? we must learn computers and robotics and fight wars from soil of USA. I DOUBT IF OLD GENERALS CAN DO IT .THEY DONT KNOW COMPUTERS AN D ROBOTICS.
another thing is more robotics in industries and stores. we do have computer cotrolled stores but i had seen one in london oxford street where you place order seeing the catalogue and computer controlled drive belt delivers things to packing section, and you just collect the things.
in usa they have self service but i think dell computers have only internet order service and factory just delivers in malasia. thats the future. how much they must be saving on establishment costs.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

obama the spirit of innovation

spirit of innovation is urgently required by USA. T00 much reliance on these cars , trucks, gas is going to hurt USA economically, industrially, socially and healthwise.
orthodoxy is allright to a certain degree but ultimately it harms, and stagnates a nation if absolutely there is no acceptance of newer philosophy.
some issues like gays in army,   abortion, so called socialism (absolutely nothing government)(then why these people accept govt aid some way or other) ,health for all etc  are to be dumped in atlantic or pacific and USA must go forward with obama. these issue are solved even in 3rd world ? countries and america is still messed up with internal strong strife is not good for world.
no harm if USA now becomes a little liberal at as far as obama says and goes forward fast.