Monday, August 3, 2009

fires;a national disaster

every year in the summer there is a ritual of brush fires ,some huge some minor,in east west north and south. the state government tries to fight with few water tanker planes, helicopters few volunteers. many times failing miserably to prevent the loss of forest and housing property worth billions.
i wonder what the federal government with spending billions on thousands of fighter planes lying idle at bases. why federal govt cannot have national fire fighting force with thousands of water tanker planes and helicopters based at 4 places such as LA,SAN FRISCO,MIAMI AND CHICAGO TO FIGHT FIRES. i think they will save billions of dollors worth citizens property . this work has to be done on war footing by feds. are citizens property less important than imaginary enemies such as russia and iraq.
every year we have fires and same punny efforts to douse them, in fact most fires burn out by themselves. because of global warming evry year the fire scenario is going to be worst, are we preapared for that?

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