Monday, August 3, 2009

future life

what will be future life? i ponder sometimes.
one thing for sure it will be ira of computers and internet and automation. we may see more robotics in every field especially in armed forces and wars will not be fought by humans but by robots. first thing is the age old training of armed forces must change drastically what we have to do with the way cluster fought? we must learn computers and robotics and fight wars from soil of USA. I DOUBT IF OLD GENERALS CAN DO IT .THEY DONT KNOW COMPUTERS AN D ROBOTICS.
another thing is more robotics in industries and stores. we do have computer cotrolled stores but i had seen one in london oxford street where you place order seeing the catalogue and computer controlled drive belt delivers things to packing section, and you just collect the things.
in usa they have self service but i think dell computers have only internet order service and factory just delivers in malasia. thats the future. how much they must be saving on establishment costs.

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